KUALA LUMPUR – Selepas mendakwa pekerja Malaysia di Singapura membuat percubaan untuk balik beramai-ramai ke negara ini di Facebook (FB), Ahli Parlimen Kuantan, Fuziah Salleh membuat permohonan maaf secara terbuka.
Permohonan maaf itu dibuat setelah posting berkenaan dipadam.
“Admin mohon maaf tersilap post video lama dan sudah pun di delete. Harap tidak menyebabkan panic!,” tulis admin FB Fuziah Salleh.
Semalam, FB rasmi bekas Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri itu memuatnaik status gempar apabila mendakwa berlaku keadaan tidak terkawal di bangunan Kompleks Imigresen, Kastam dan Kuarantin (CIQ).
“Sedang berlaku di CIQ JB. Situasi diluar kawalan. Pekerja Malaysia di Singapore cuba balik ke Malaysia secara beramai-ramai. Harap adalah hotel lima bintang untuk quarantine mereka,” tulis FB itu semalam.
Status itu segera dinafikan FB Friends of PDRM yang mendakwa itu adalah video lama.
Malah ia adalah latihan kebakaran di bangunan itu yang dilaksanakan 18 Disember tahun lalu.
“Ramai yang dapat video ni kan? Itu video lama. Video tahun lepas. Keadaan di BSI@CIQ Malaysia Singapura. Jangan sebar lagi. Jangan buat orang panik,” kata FB itu. -MalaysiaGazette
Dia suka buat cerita fitnah , dulu kes lynas ..dah biasa buat fitnah , mana boleh tidor kalu tk fitnah kot ..
Dorang ni tak takut api neraka ke?
Nasib baik x jadi menteri lagi…huru hara negara di buat nya
Eh..ni kan dikira fake news viral? Rakyat marhaen kalu dah kena cekup, ahli parlimen pulak camna?
Lagi mau percaya kah sama ini orang…. Berkali kali
kena cari admin lain lah nampaknya. admin buat silap fauziah yang kena. tukar segera
Senang la gitu. Dah sebar berita palsu mohon maaf.. Tangkap je. Dlm court jawab.
Inilah sajalah standard MP pakatan hancing bacin!
Ini lah perangai pemimpin PH yg sememangnya tidak patut dicontohi langsung,buruk punya perangai
Fauziah,Parti KENCING Rakyat
Perangai MP sorang ni memang gini dah.
Tabur fitnah adalah budayanya
Nasib dia ni tak dilantik jadi menteri…
YB apa macam nie..puiii..bongok Tahap Gaban
Tips for Asian Women who would like to Date White Men
First, It is a necessity for a woman to be careful concerning showing off her interests. A woman must make sure that she is not trying to project herself as someone who is in it for the money. There is an ongoing myth about Asian women that shows that they date white men for the money.
it’s always avoid trying to discuss the money issue with any man while dating. The need to focus [url=http://www.chnmate.com/chinese-date-northern-women-southern-women/]asian wife[/url] on a positive attitude while dating is important to go and visit. A woman should be dating a man solely because he is someone that she is interested in and not just because he has which she might not have at a given time. This is a plan for dating that must definitely be used carefully when finding someone who is actually useful for dating purposes.
Another treatment is to allow for plenty of support for the man. The problem that many white men have with Asian women is that they feel these women will be domineering in a relationship. They feel that the Asian woman is going to command romantic relationship and ask the man to do everything according to the woman’s will without any added control over anything. which is a real hassle to men.
An Asian woman who would like to date a white man should be sure that she [url=http://antiscam.chnlovereview.com/tag/sexy-chinese-women-photos/]dating chinese girls[/url] lets him have some sense of control. A fair fifty fifty split of control is important to a relationship because it makes it easier for the people in the relationship to be comfortable with each other and more likely to keep themselves from dealing with substantial hassles.
Another idea to use when thinking about involves looking for men who are interested in women in general and are not going to be infatuated with just one type of person. An Asian woman who wants to date a white man should know about how well that man might act with regards to Asian women. A man should thinking of her because he is just looking for a woman in general.
This is important as there are far too many cases where Asian women end up dating white men who just end up fantasizing about specific women with certain fetishes in mind. This often makes any woman unpleasant. This has to be controlled carefully in order that there are no problems coming from what is to be used here.
Single Asian women should be using these tips if they are going to keep relationships with white men until control. They have to use these tips to learn effectively for them to keep themselves under control.
Di Kuantan, da membahasakan dirinya Kak Gee. Dia seorang “terhormat” sebab dia adalah MP Kuantan dan bekas Tim Menteri tak sampai dua tahun setengah.
Aku panggil dia Fauziah jerr……sebab nama2 panggilan spt Kak Gee, YB dsbnya tak begitu secucuk dgn tindakan2 “politik murahan” yg beliau amalkan.
Terima kasih.
Mana boleh double standard! Polis kena buka kertas siasatan dan ambil tindakan. Klau netizen biasa, sudah tentu digari bawa jumpa majisterat.
Berita palsu tetap berita palsu.
Fitnah dan PH berpisah tiada,tapi ada lagi melayu islam yg menyokong dan percaya dgn pemimpin2 PH ne.Masih ingat tak bos dia anwar ibrahim bersungguh2 memfitnah PAS ambil 90 juta,seolah2 perkara tu benar sekali,tapi sebaliknya fitnah,kepada melayu islam yg masih menyokong,kembalilah kepada islam,semoga diampunkan dosa2 kerana menyokong pemimpin seperti yg ada dlm PH ini.
Boleh maaf tp tindakan tegas perlu dikenakan kpd penyebar berita palsu dan pemfitnah ini….
FITNAH itu dah mjadi kesebatian puak2 ini..faham2 aje ler..
Dah mintak maaf ke tidak ke, dah mengganggu dan menimbulkan kesusahan dan panik
Sepatutnya dihukum…!!!
Biar jadi pengajaran pada golongan² spesis Apekji(Rafizi) ni…!!!
Suruh rakyat selalu tengok sebenarnya.my tetapi VIP pun bodoh macam ketam, suka ambil dari berita dari sumber yang dah basi atau palsu.
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Sepatutnya kena tindakan undang2….sebab undang2 tidak hanya utk org kebanyakan saja…malah menteri2 pun patut kena…mana keadilanye….kalo mcm tu org awam yg kena tindakan perlu mohon maaf jer….