KUALA LUMPUR – Rakyat tidak perlu diheret untuk menerima kesan drama yang dibawa oleh satu atau dua ahli politik sejak tahun 80-an.
Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan Tan Sri Annuar Musa yang merujuk usul tidak percaya yang mahu dibawa terhadap Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ke Dewan Rakyat berkata, sudah tiba masanya rakyat melupakan agenda individu tertentu dan gerakan membela rakyat serta memulihkan negara diutamakan.
“Cukuplah negara bergolak dan rakyat menderita kerana drama satu dua orang. Sejak 80an hingga sekarang. Lupakan individu.. Mari Kita bergerak ke hadapan bela rakyat dan pulihkan negara,” katanya Setiausaha Agung UMNO itu menerusi akaun Twitter beliau.
Sebelum ini, Ahli Parlimen Semporna, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal dilaporkan mengemukakan usul percaya kepada Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Bagaimanapun ia ditolak oleh Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Mohamad Ariff Mohd Yusof.
Namun Mohamad Ariff menerima usul Dr. Mahathir yang juga Ahli Parlimen Langkawi untuk membawa usul tidak percaya kepada Muhyiddin tetapi ia tidak akan dibahaskan pada persidangan Dewan Rakyat 18 Mei ini. – MalaysiaGazette
I truly agree with Tan Sri Annuar Musa. All this while, I had the same analysis. Malaysia can’t move forward because of too much of politicking and less thinking. I pity the rakyat who deserve a better living standard. At one time, Malaysia was there almost close to be a developed nation, but everything was destroyed by Mahathir (the greatest conspirator). If he is said to be a negarawan then he has to think of the rakyat and not of himself, his children or his cronies. I wonder how much wealth(kekayaan) is enough for his family. Perhaps the sky is not the limit. Poor DSN did his best to enrich the nation but everything was destroyed by Mahathir and LGE. The sold all the assets of the nation; like Tabung Haji and Khazanah. In my understanding, a good leader must put the nation before himself. Sorry to say, Mahathir did not do that. For him, it is always about his ego and he is the best and no one can be better than him. By far, no leader in Malaysia has done the best for the rakyat other than DSN. He came up with a lot of good programs to take care all strata of the Malaysian society. Every group benefited from the programs introduced by DSN. He truly fulfilled his slogan “1Malaysia; Rakyat first and Performance now”. Even now during the lock down he is giving valuable advise to the rakyat and giving some charity to students at the universities.
Mintak MG interview T Zafrul rgarding Malaysia wealth adakh LGE berbohong atau TM cuba menutup kesalahan sesiapa rding Samurai Bon. Tanya T Zafrul adakh beliau akan senasib spt TS Wahid Omar… MG figure out …
Tun.M dan nuar elok lah lupa kan politik sebab anda berdua pemusnah negara , buat lah amal ibadat untuk bekalan di akhirat nanti ….
Humanityglobal….Agreed with your opinion..