Home Highlights Congratulations DAP for gathering 1,500 delegates in a hall! – Asyraf

Congratulations DAP for gathering 1,500 delegates in a hall! – Asyraf

The attendees of DAP Perak Convention at the Ipoh Convention Centre Perak (ICC) yesterday.
The attendees of DAP Perak Convention at the Ipoh Convention Centre Perak (ICC) yesterday.

KUALA LUMPUR – In a social media post, Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki quipped and congratulated DAP for successfully gathering more than 1,500 delegates in a hall.

The UMNO Youth Chief also asked if such mass gathering is allowed during the Conditional Movement Control Order period.

“Congratulations DAP for gathering over 1,500 delegates in a hall,” he said in a Facebook post.

FACEBOOK: Tahniah DAP dapat himpunkan lebih 1,500 delegasi dalam dewan. Cuma nak tanya boleh ke berhimpun sebegini ramai di musim PKPB? Kalau tak silap, pimpinan DAP juga kata mereka menentang sebarang aktiviti berpolitik ketika rakyat tengah susah di musim pandemik covid dan darurat!

He also shared pictures of the assembly in his social media post.

According to Asyraf, if he remembered correctly, the DAP leaders once said that they are against any political activities while the people are suffering during the Covid-19 pandemic and emergency period. –MalaysiaGazette


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