Home Story Lah Read between the lines

Read between the lines

Back in the days before there was social media, it was rather difficult for us to speculate or guess a person’s attitude, behaviour, personality and character. Unless we are experts, in psychology, perhaps.

Or, unless that person really talks too much and to just about everyone about everything. But then again it would be really strange to be talking about yourself out of thin air to random strangers on the street, just like you do on Facebook. Imagine that!

I mean, you don’t just blurt out whatever you’re thinking about to random strangers that you meet on the street, like you do on Facebook. Try doing that, and people would undoubtedly think that you are a lunatic.

Today, with the dawn of social media, blurting out your thoughts on your Facebook wall for random strangers to read is no longer considered bizarre. It is now a norm.

Through social media, people can share their deepest thoughts for random strangers to read. Like an open book.

Some writings are full of bitterness, resentment and anger. Many others spread love, kindness and compassion.

It does not take an expert for us to be able to speculate about someone’s attitude, behaviour, personality and character. Often times, we could tell a lot about people, through their writings, postings, and what they choose to share on their social media pages.

Reading between the lines, we could predict someone’s attitude, behaviour, personality and character through every single word in their postings. Or how they reply to comments here and there. Just like we all do in the real world.

Whatever we write in our postings, they are open for all to read and judge. Even though we must never judge a book by its cover, we cannot help but form an opinion. Because, over time, the pattern of one’s writings would gradually reflect the mind, heart and soul of the owner of the postings.

Having said that, I humbly hope that my writings would be well received by my virtual friends on social media. For they are my mind, heart and soul. Read between the lines, you would find me there.

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