Home Highlights Registration for 2nd round of AstraZeneca vaccine to open Sunday, 12pm

Registration for 2nd round of AstraZeneca vaccine to open Sunday, 12pm

The registration for the second round of AstraZeneca vaccine will be opened at 12.00 pm this Sunday. PIX: MalaysiaGazette
- Sultan Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V berdukacita melihat peratusan pendaftaran vaksin di Kelantan  antara yang paling rendah iaitu sebanyak 33 peratus sehingga semalam.- Gambar hiasan.

KUALA LUMPUR – The registration for the second round of AstraZeneca COvid-19 vaccine will be opened at 12.00 pm this Sunday.

The Coordinating Minister of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK), Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar said, the registration will be opened for the people in the Klang Valley, Penang, Johor, Kuching and Miri in Sarawak.

According to him, the registration is only opened to those aged 60 years and above.

The registration can be done through  https://www.vaksincovid.gov.my/

Read More:

AstraZeneca vaccine opens for senior citizens registration on 23 May

AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, to be given to senior citizens

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