Home Highlights Only 10 types of letter would be accepted in roadblocks – IGP

Only 10 types of letter would be accepted in roadblocks – IGP

approval letter travel documentations letters The police inspecting vehicles during a roadblock at KM14 Jalan Ipoh - Rawng, Selangor following the nationwide total lockdown from 1 - 14 June 2021 to curb the spread of Covid-19. PIX: HAZROL ZAINAL / MalaysiaGazette / 01 JUNE 2021. MITI approval letter FMCO
The police inspecting vehicles and travel documentations during a roadblock at KM14 Jalan Ipoh - Rawng, Selangor following the nationwide total lockdown from 1 - 14 June 2021 to curb the spread of Covid-19. PIX: HAZROL ZAINAL / MalaysiaGazette / 01 JUNE 2021.

By Kumara Sabapatty

KUALA LUMPUR – Only 10 types of approval letters from agencies and ministries, including the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) will be accepted during roadblocks nationwide beginning tomorrow.

The police has listed the permissible documents in support of the government’s order to implement the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said, as the agency responsible in enforcing the roadblocks, the PDRM had been instructed to only accept the verification letters from the listed agencies and ministries to enable an individual to travel from residence to workplace in the sectors allowed to operate.

Following is the list of the approval letters that would be accepted during roadblocks:

  1. Approval letter from MITI for relevant manufacturing and service sectors
  2. Ministry of Transport (MOT) for public transport and essential items
  3. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) for the agriculture/fishery/farming/plantation and commodity sectors. MAFI will only issue verification letters to small farmers. Those with license under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), the verification letter will be issued by MITI (Covid-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS 3.0)
  4. The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) for the plantation and commodity sectors such as palm oil / rubber etc. Malaysian Rubber Board (LGM) permit and licence holders such as small farmers, estates, nurseries, rubber traders, processors may use the letters issued by MPIC or LGM. For the rubber products manufacturers such as rubber gloves, the letters will be issued by MITI (CIMS 3.0).
  5. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) for financial / insurance sectors
  6. Security Commission (SC) for sectors related to stocks trading
  7. Local authorities (PBT) for small traders / food truck / food stalls. The license to operate for strata management, solid waste and sanitisation will be issued by MITI (CIMS 3.0).
  8. Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (MCMC) for telecommunication services / media / post / courier and broadcasting
  9. Home Ministry (KDN). All verifications letters under its agencies such as the Immigration Department (JIM), National Registration Department (JPN), Volunteers Department of Malaysia (RELA) and others will be used for the movement permission
  10. PDRM will issue travel permit to those eligible to cross borders such as for death, emergency and work

“All verification documents listed must be dated from 1 June 2021 onwards.

“Those without the 10 valid documents or have expired before 1 June 2021 will be ordered to turn back,” he said in a media statement.

He also said that the self-employed such as plumbers, maintenance workers, street traders without employers may apply for an one-off travel permit.

According to him, workers in sectors not allowed to operate, but need to travel to their work place for special reasons such as to prepare documents, invoices, payroll and such, a special one off PDRM approval for a period of two or three days can be given. However, it would also require a verification letter from employers.

“For the operation of legal firms with 20 percent of attendance, the letter will be issued by the Legal Affairs Department (BHEUU) of the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) through MITI (CIMS 3.0).

“Law Practitioners who need to be at court to represent their clients for new cases (remand under Section 117 of the Criminals Procedure Code) must show the printed document or letter from their legal firm during roadblocks,” he said.

“Those who fail to present verification letter or present fake verifications would be taken stern actions under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342).

“PDRM also appeal to the community to join hands and play a part in flattening the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Any complaints on the compliance or violation of the MCO SOP can be channelled to the government call centre (mygcc) at 03-8000 8000, or email, [email protected][email protected] – MalaysiaGazette

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