KUALA LUMPUR – Long Covid or Post Covid Syndrome is a condition when a former Covid-19 patient develops continuous symptoms during or after the Covid-19 infection.
According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guideline, a patient could suffer the symptoms for a period of up to 12 weeks or more and the symptoms could not be explained by alternative diagnosis.
Other than the generalised symptoms such as pain, fatigue and fever, the patient could also be suffering from psychological or psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Besides that, some also suffer from neurological symptoms such as cognitive impairment (brain fog, loss of memory, loss of concentration), headache, sleep disturbance, delirium and peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
Certain patients suffer from musculoskeletal symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, while some may suffer from cardiovascular symptoms such as palpitation, chest tightness and chest pain.
According to the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC), post-Covid-19 patients could also suffer from difficulty in breathing and they could no longer perform the activities they used to do prior to the Covid-19 infection.
Therefore, the public is recommended to continue to practice the standard operating procedures (SOP) by ensuring physical distancing, washing hands and wearing face masks for prevention is better than cure. –MalaysiaGazette