Home Story Lah Finding a Balance in Life

Finding a Balance in Life

Juggling several things at the same time certainly takes up a lot of my time and energy, both mentally and physically. I have been told, bouncing back to health and normalcy in life in terms of energy and strength after brutal cancer treatments will definitely take some time.

I asked several cancer survivors. For some they took six months to a year, and for some, two years. One thing for sure, I need to be free of cancer for five years in order to be considered cancer free.

After having completed almost 50 cancer treatments, I need to rebuild my battered, exhausted body, mind and soul. Massive rebuilding is in progress!

I know a lot of people tell me to get plenty of rest. Nonetheless I haven’t reached my financial freedom goal and need to spend on medical expenses. So, I need to continue working to bring in a steady income stream.

There is no time to waste for a prolonged rest, or be a lady of leisure. Time is money. Money is not everything, but everything needs money nowadays. I started going back to work again even before I completed my cancer treatments.

From Monday to Friday, all day sitting at my ‘work desk’ at my home office and catching up on my production timeline in between meetings, and getting work done before the weekend begins. Often, I would be burning the midnight oil. Due to production timeline and writing for Story Lah, I work on weekends and public holidays too, but not all day, fortunately.

I may not have achieved financial freedom yet, but I’m glad that I have options in life. Options that allow me the freedom to choose how I want to invest my time and money. And that’s where I will channel my energy into.

Three things I’m focusing on.

My professional career which provides my main income and will support my living and medical expenses. My second income from strategic investments in financial instruments that I trust, and this will go into building my retirement and travel funds. Lastly, my third income in network marketing, that will go to my education fund and to charity effort, Nel’s Kitchen White Flag Fund.

If I invest my time and money well and wisely, in shaa Allah I will be able to achieve financial freedom faster than planned. In between, I’m finding a balance to do what I’m really passionate in life. That is to write and to teach – my lifelong passions and dreams.

I’m blessed to have found a good balance in life. Dividing time for myself, my other half, my family, my friends and my career, while at the same time pursuing my passions in life. Whenever I finish my work early, I feel accomplished for the day, and it would be lovely to have a chat with my family and friends!

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