Home Story Lah Go with the flow, embrace change

Go with the flow, embrace change

On Saturday, I attended the kick off of Breast Cancer Support Group at KPJ Ampang Puteri in collaboration with National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM).

The event was in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 12 cancer survivors and fighters attending the support group’s first session.

The half day program included informative health talks by KPJ Ampang Puteri’s resident Oncologist, Nutritionist and Plastic Surgeon.

I discovered new things during a fun Art Therapy activity at the session. It was facilitated by Sri Ram Seetha, a Certified Play Therapist from the National Cancer Society of Malaysia.

We were given a piece of paper which we folded into two halves. First we drew on the right side of the paper using our right hand. Then we drew on the left side using our left hand.

I drew a lotus flower which happens to be my favourite flower besides lilies and water lilies. Lotus symbolises strength and enlightenment. During my cancer recovery journey, I feel so enlightened with so many new learnings.

Then we shared with others in the support group on what we felt as we were drawing both sides of the paper using both hands.

As a right hander, drawing with my left hand was awkward at first. It became easier when I decided to go with the flow and embracing that awkwardness.

This resonates with how I have embraced my cancer recovery journey and the changes I had to go through in my healing process.

I realise, when I don’t resist change, things will be much easier to adjust and adapt, and new possibilities open up to me.

We build strength and resilience when we adjust and adapt to new and unfamiliar situations.

Rather than wasting our energy and resources to resist change and feel exhausted in doing so.

Embrace change and everything in life will be harmony. Go with the flow, because we will feel happier and be in gratitude of what the change has brought us and taught us.


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