Home Highlights RM500 BKP aid for those who lost their income

RM500 BKP aid for those who lost their income

Bantuan Kehilangan Pendapatan BKP RM500 Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Ismail Sabri Yaakob

KUALA LUMPUR – The government will be handing out the one-off RM500 Bantuan Kehilangan Pendapatan (BKP) tomorrow, to help those who have lost their income.

“The aid will benefit close to 870,000 individuals who have lost their income in 2021.

The cash aid involves a financial implication of RM434 million, to ensure the welfare of Keluarga Malaysia,” Priem Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said in a statement today.

The BKP will be given to employees who have lost their source of income, based on the data from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) or the Social Security Organisation (PERKESO) in 2021.

The status on the approval of BKP can be checked via the BKP website, https://bkp.hasil.gov.my from 26 October 2021 onwards.

Recipients of BKP can also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) uploaded on the portal.

“May this and other cash aid provided by the government can help to reduce the financial burdens of Keluarga Malaysia in facing this challenging time,” said the Prime Minister. -MalaysiaGazette

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