KUALA LUMPUR – The Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (CUEPACS) is disappointed after legal action was taken against a civil servant for conducting business without approval while serving as a civil servant.
Its President, Datuk Adnan Mat said that CUEPACS respects the court’s decision as it is confident with the judiciary system.
“CUEPACS was informed that the civil servant has served outstandingly for 25 years.
“However, due to the high commitment to raise children and high cost of living, that person had to do two jobs, by doing business, to support his family better,” he said in a statement today, commenting on the case of a hospital admin assistant who was fined RM8,000 by the government.
The accused, N22 Grade admin assistant was charged for committing the offence as he was not supposed to do any business while serving as a government servant.
According to Adnan, an employee having two jobs to support their family is a norm in both the government and private sector. The situation happens because of the uncompetitive salary scheme compared to the high cost of living.
“It is not about their lifestyle but it is hard to fulfil the current need as the disposable income of the people is low due to the low pay scheme.
“At the public sector, the initial salary starts from RM1,200 per month, meanwhile, the minimum wage of the private sector is RM1,200 per month. With this low salary scheme, the employees need to take on other jobs to increase their quality of life and standard of living. It is not enough with their existing pay.
“Therefore, it is only appropriate for the government to revise the salary scheme in both public and private sector,” he said.
Meanwhile, he also advised all civil servants who wish to do business or side jobs to always adhere to the current regulation set by the government.
He said, they need to submit a written application to their head of department.
At the same time, he also urged all civil servants to ensure that their work performance is not affected by their business or second job.
CUEPACS also hoped that the head of departments would always remind their subordinates on the matter.
“Problems can be resolved amicably and justly at their department without extending to the higher level,” said Adnan. -MalaysiaGazette