The following article is submitted to the editorial of MalaysiaGazette by reader, Yeap Ming Liong.
There seems to be a drop in MySejahtera check-ins since the country stepped into the “transition to endemic phase”. There are even calls for the check-ins to be abolished due to it being not relevant while some are worried over privacy concerns. Everyone has something to say about the matter. It can range from conspiracy theories to rock steady statistics about the efficacy of the application.
The government has already announced that a decision will be made soon on the relaxation of My Sejahtera check-ins. However, until then it is wise to abide by the requirement to check-in to premises using the application.
It is true we are in the transition to endemic phase, but it does not mean we can now lower our guard against the virus. It is common to see people walking around without face masks while some could not even be bothered with the MySejahtera check ins. The vaccines, boosters has its advantages, but it does not make one invincible against the virus.
This lackadaisical attitude can easily be seen in public places such as restaurants while I have also noticed students on university campuses not abiding by the SOPs. Some people are really making light of the situation. It was only several months ago where the country logged thousands of positive cases and hundreds of deaths daily due to Covid-19.
Please, it is not burdensome or troublesome. It is a simple scan that does not take more than 10 seconds. The check in feature helped with contact tracing during the pandemic and it is still has its functions in combating the Covid-19 virus. Please be reminded that you might also run afoul of the law for failure to check in into the premises using the My Sejahtera application.
According to the National Security Council, the public still need to scan the MySejahtera QR code when entering the premises or participating in activities. However, entry check and registration is exempted for the areas that fulfil the following three (3) criteria: outdoor areas, areas without crowds and mass gatherings (e.g., recreational areas).
I would like to remind the public that the Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs are clearly spelt out. Please do the right thing. Do not take the matter for granted. Most importantly do not make light of the severity of Covid 19.
I do not deny that there needs to be a balance between lives and livelihoods. However, we must all play our part to ensure that mistakes of the past do not come back to haunt us.
Just like you. I yearn for the pre-Covid 19 life. We are about to achieve that. However, it requires the commitment from all. It is not a blame game. It is simply us upholding what is right for a better and safe Malaysia.
Yeap Ming Liong
Subang Jaya, Selangor
Editorial note: The views expressed are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysia Gazette.
Read More:
MySejahtera check-in may cease