KUALA LUMPUR – The police are urged to investigate a group which openly supported the derogatory remarks against Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The President of Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization (MAPIM), Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said, a viral footage showing several youths at the Hindu Temple in Batu Caves stated their support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of India.
“Are they Malaysians or Indian nationals? Their action was an intimidation towards the Muslims in this country and can trigger religious tension.
“If they are from India, thus, the police and government need to take stern actions against their presence in this country,” he said in a statement.
Mohd Azmi said, the government cannot compromise with immigrants who try to create religious conflict in Malaysia.
According to him, the police need to investigate if Malaysia has been intruded by the Hindu nationalist fanatics from the RSS group in India which has just launched a hate campaign against Islam and Muslims.
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) group is an Indian right wing Hindu nationalist and paramilitary organisation which promotes the ideals of upholding the Hindutva ideology to strengthen the Hindu community, provoking them to kill the Mulims in India.
“Has this group spread its wings to Malaysia? We urge the police to not compromise with this group… actions need to be taken against them according to the law of this country,” he said. -MalaysiaGazette
Religious fanatics like those who support RSS are a threat to humanity as a whole. Their target os not just Muslims but alao Christians, Buddhists and others who are seen as enemies or threats to their religion besides their grand design of Hinduizing society.
If left unchecked it would lead to inter religious war that would destroy not just one nation but civilisation as a whole.