KUALA LUMPUR – Future Deputy President of PKR, Rafizi Ramli alleged that the leaders of UMNO are afraid of his formula to overcome the problems faced by the people.
According to Rafizi, due to the fear, the leaders of UMNO will voice out in unison to reject his formula each time he throws an idea to solve the problems of the people.
He said, the number of UMNO leaders who downplayed his ideas showed their obvious fear of him.
“When they are truly afraid with my ‘formulas’ to the extent that they voice out in unison each time I share an idea to solve the problems, it means that they admit (silently) that they have run out of idea to rule the country.
“They are afraid if the Malaysian politics revolve around ideas (not racial sentiments, religion or who should rule), they will be rejected by the people as what happened in GE14,” said Rafizi.
Earlier, Rafizi said that UMNO’s proposal for the government to set up a National Poultry Board to overcome chicken supplies issue was a joke.
He then suggested for the government to keep a food stockpile.
However, the leaders of UMNO including its President, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi viewed Rafizi’s suggestion cynically.
He saw those criticisms as a way of the UMNO leaders saving their faces after giving the idea to set up the National Poultry Board.
Rafizi is confident that the people will continue to appreciate political leaders who highlight formula.
He said, formula originated from idea and a well-implemented formula will produce solution. Without idea and formula, there will be no solution.
He added, the people knows that the formula to determine petrol and diesel prices utilised by the government was what he has been fighting for since 2013 when Datuk Seri Najib Razak wanted to abolish subsidies.
“They said that my formula could not be implemented but that was the same formula used by the Prime Minister from UMNO itself.
“If there is a formula which successfully protected the people from the increasing petrol price (such as during Najib’s time), that formula was brought by me.
“The people enjoyed stable petrol and diesel prices since May 2018 until now,” Rafizi said.
He also emphasised that he will continue to share formulas for the people’s consideration every two to three days to steer political competition in Malaysia back to the competition of ideas.
“I advise Zahid Hamidi and UMNO to find other answers when they face me because the ‘UMNO has solution not formula’ answer has been rejected by the people in GE14,” Rafizi said. – MalaysiaGazette
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