Home Highlights Audio clip: Yes, that’s my voice – Hamzah Zainudin

Audio clip: Yes, that’s my voice – Hamzah Zainudin

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin audio clip PDRM police voice recording
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin

By Muhammad Azizul Osman

PUTRAJAYA – Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin openly confessed that the audio clip which went viral last week was his voice.

He said, the call recording was made last year, on the request of the palace regarding the position of the state chief police.

“I think that really my actual voice.

“I did not make any mistake, only the person making the recording committed an offence. I have no problem,” he said during a special news conference at the Home Ministry today.

Meanwhile, Hamzah said that he did not commit any offence in that.

“What I did was not a problem. I have said this multiple times. If you listen to it, what wrong was there?

“I only requested for the KPN (state police chief) to submit name to the YDPA. Is that wrong? Royal Malaysia Police,” he replied the media’s query about a recent viral audio clip on the promotion and transfers in the police, besides mentioning the appointment of someone from Ipoh, Perak.

Earlier, an edited audio recording with the duration of 1 minute 22 second went viral, stating that the voice in the recording sounded like Hamzah.

When asked if he would lodge a police report on the distribution of the audio clip, Hamzah said that the measure is not needed at the moment.

“I am the Home Minister. I can do it using several other measures. We want to know who recorded the clip.

“What is there to investigate? I have confessed. The police need not investigate. I have confessed, that was my voice.

“We only want to find out who did the recording. How did they do it? You don’t need to ask me about that,” he added. –MalaysiaGazette