KUALA LUMPUR – “To all employers, there is no more forgiveness for you. This is the last day and if you feel sorry for the violation by operating, shut your activities down immediately,” Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin warned all factories and employers who abused the approval to operate during the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) or total lockdown until 28 June.
He also emphasized that the responsibility of SOP compliance is not merely on the enforcers to check on the operations daily but it is also a joint-responsibility that does not require to be reminded by the government all the time.
“I make this press conference because I want to inform all employers that there will no longer be any forgiveness for you.
“Today is the last day and I want all employers who are granted the approval to operate to check the approval they got from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
“If the employers feel that they have committed an offence by violating SOP and have abused the approval to operate, it is better to shut your operation down from now onwards.
“If you feel that it is right for you to operate, follow the SOP. If you’re only allowed 60 percent, then, follow the terms and if you operate according to rotation, follow it. Otherwise, the maximum action without compromise will follow,” he said.
Earlier, Hamzah, along with the Minister of Human Resources Datuk Seri M. Saravanan conducted a spot check on two factories in Kajang and Segambut to ensure the compliance of SOP by the employers according to the terms set by the government and National Security Council (MKN).
According to Hamzah, the stern warning is given as movements are made just to seek profit and it could give problems to the country in terms of SOP compliance.
When asked about the factories that have been fined for violating SOP but are still in operation, he said, actions will be taken on all of them for false declaration as essential services and the abuse of operation permit.
It involves 40 factories nationwide and they are being monitored to ensure that they do not repeat the similar mistakes.
“For example, a factory that is involved with the manufacturing of face mask and floats in Sungai Petani yesterday, we order the manufacturing of the floats to stop immediately and they confessed to that offence.
“Therefore, we will continue to monitor factories that we have taken actions on SOP violation and false declaration as essential services with the cooperation of MITI,” he said. -MalaysiaGazette
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