Home Highlights PICKids registration surpasses one million – KJ

PICKids registration surpasses one million – KJ

PICKids Covid-19 vaccine children
A boy getting his Covid-19 vaccine shot in conjunction with the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme for Children (PICKids) at the Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. PIX: AMIRUL SHAUFIQ /MalaysiaGazette /03 FEBRUARY 2022. Gelagat kanak-kanak yang menerima suntikan vaksin Covid-19 sempena Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kanak-Kanak 'PICKids' ketika tinjauan lensa Malaysia Gazette di Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Foto AMIRUL SHAUFIQ 03 FABRUARI 2022.

KUALA LUMPUR: Registration under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme for Children (PICKids) has now exceeded one million individuals which is 28 per cent of children aged between five and 11 after three weeks of implementation, said Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar.

In a Twitter post today, he hoped parents would not take a wait-and-see attitude on registering their children for COVID vaccination.

“Hope parents would not take a wait-and-see attitude as admissions of children in hospitals are rising. Register your children for #PICKids today,” he said in the message.

He also shared the infographic on PICKids registration as of yesterday in the post with the highest registration in Kuala Lumpur followed by Penang and Putrajaya.

As of yesterday, 513,393 individuals or 14.5 per cent of the children population aged between five and 11 in the country had received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine under the programme which began on Feb 3.

In another tweet, Khairy said more outreach and awareness campaigns are needed to encourage more eligible recipients for free health screening under the B40 Healthcare Scheme (PeKa B40) to do so.

He said only 561,000 from 4.9 million Malaysians who are eligible for free health screening under PeKa B40 had their health screening.

“More outreach and awareness campaigns are needed especially among marginalised communities. More details at @protecthealthco (ProtechHealth Corporation). Let’s prevent NCDs (non-communicable diseases),“ Khairy said. – Bernama

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