Friday, September 27, 2024
Home Tag Covid-19 deaths

Tag: Covid-19 deaths

21 Covid-19 deaths yesterday

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken 21 lives yesterday as of last midnight.

Covid-19: 15 new deaths on 12 Jan

15 new Covid-19 deaths were recorded nationwide as of 11.59 pm last night.

Covid-19: New infections stay below 3,000 cases

The daily Covid-19 infections in the country remained below 3,000 cases with 2,690 cases reported today

34 Covid-19 deaths yesterday (30 Dec)

34 Covid-19 deaths were reported yesterday, 11 of the cases were brought in dead (BID)

29 Covid-19 deaths on 28 Nov

29 Covid-19 deaths have been recorded as of last midnight (28 November 2021). With the increment, the Covid-19 death toll has increased to 30,309 cases

Covid-19 deaths increase to 63 cases yesterday

63 Covid-19 deaths were reported yesterday, an increment of 262.5% from the day before with only 24 deaths

Covid-19: 45 more deaths yesterday

Another 45 Covid-19 deaths were reported yesterday, shifting the cumulative deaths in the country to 29,676. From that amount, 12 cases were Brought in Dead (BID).

Covid-19: 49 deaths yesterday

49 Covid-19 deaths were reported yesterday and 14 of them were Brought in Dead (BID) cases

78 new Covid-19 deaths

78 Covid-19 deaths have been reported as of 11.59 pm last night

Covid-19: 132 deaths yesterday

132 Covid-19 deaths have been recorded yesterday. From that amount, 26 cases were Brought in Dead (BID), where, the patients died before getting treatment at the hospital.