Saturday, September 28, 2024
Home Tag Indonesian

Tag: Indonesian

Indonesian man panicked, climbed up the roof

An Indonesian man panicked after he was detected by the security guards while breaking into a premise climbed up the rooftop to avoid arrest.

11-y-o girl charred to death in synthetic rubber factory fire

An 11-years-old girl was charred to death in a synthetic rubber factory fire at the Bakar Arang industrial area this morning.

Construction worker charged with killing lover

A Bangladeshi construction worker was charged at the Magistrate Court today for murdering his lover on 4 December

Human trafficking syndicate of Tanjung Balau boat tragedy identified

The mastermind and syndicate suspected of smuggling illegal immigrants into Malaysia via the Tanjung Balau waters yesterday have been identified

Unpaid maid abused with iron rod

An Indonesian maid who has not been paid for a year was abused to half dead by her employer in Taman Rainbow, Sentul.