Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Home Tag Inspiration

Tag: Inspiration

Simple ways to show up for your life

Once we began to simplify our life, we will realise that you want more than to just get through your life.

I will not go quietly

On the brighter side of things today, even though I can't walk straight, I can sit straight and write. So, I sat still at my desk and started writing while I'm still feeling inspired.

There is no such thing as bad weather

Some days are good and some days aren't as good. We do our best to make good of any day, be it good or bad.

Live every moment of your life

Do what makes your soul shines bright like a diamond.

What was it like to have cancer?

Being positive helped me going through it all. But there were good days and there were bad days.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

In our life many issues will come. More issues come up in our life means we're living an active life. Nothing came up means we're not living.

The road to recovery is not always easy

Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day, and it’s something that it doesn’t get a day off. It takes a lot of strength to ride the cancer recovery journey, but it is worth the fight.

You gotta, you gotta keep going

In life, whether or not you want it, what must happen has to happen. People on earth call it fate.

One step at a time

That weary part of me says, "I know I'm strong, but I'm tired."

Of Trials and Tribulations

“Bersangka baik dengan Allah atas segala ujian yang diberikan.”