Thursday, March 6, 2025
Home Tag #justiceforbella

Tag: #justiceforbella

Take action against those who comment about Bella, Siti Bainun’s case...

Sessions Court Judge, Izralizam Sanusi gave a stern warning to the public and court officers not to issue any comment or post about the case involving Down Syndrome teenager, Bella and the founder of Rumah Bonda, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali

Defence counsel says fifth witness, father ‘paid’ by #justiceforbella group

The defence counsel to the founder of Rumah Bonda, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali alleged that the fifth witness and her father have been ‘paid’ by the #justiceforbella group.

No medical report to prove Bella ate 1,280 cili padi

The testimony from Yasmin Nahar Mahmood, 19, who alleged that Bella was fed with 1,280 cili padi is the biggest lie by the fifth witness of the case involving the founder of Rumah Bonda, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali

TMJ terima mengadap lima aktivis #justiceforbella

Aku sangka TMJ orangnya tegas dan garang, tetapi rupanya dia seorang pendengar yang baik dan humour. Pertemuan yang kami jangka formal menjadi sangat kasual dan menenangkan. - Aliff Ahmad.

Siti Bainun Hadir Perbicaraan Kes Penderaan dan Pengabaian Remaja OKU #Bella

Pengasas Rumah Bonda, Siti Bainun Ahd. Razali hadir ke mahkamah bersama barisan peguam bagi kes penderaan dan pengabaian remaja OKU dikenali Bella di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Foto MUHD NA'IM, 13 APRIL 2022.

JKM sita Rumah Bonda

Pengarah JKM Bahagian Kebajikan Produktif Wilayah Persekutuan, Che Samsuzuki Che Noh berkata, pihaknya telah membuka kertas siasatan ke atas rumah jagaan berkenaan kerana didapati tidak pernah mendaftar operasi dengan agensi tersebut.