Saturday, March 29, 2025
Home Tag Story lah

Tag: story lah

I will not go quietly

On the brighter side of things today, even though I can't walk straight, I can sit straight and write. So, I sat still at my desk and started writing while I'm still feeling inspired.

There is no such thing as bad weather

Some days are good and some days aren't as good. We do our best to make good of any day, be it good or bad.

One step at a time

That weary part of me says, "I know I'm strong, but I'm tired."

Of Trials and Tribulations

“Bersangka baik dengan Allah atas segala ujian yang diberikan.”

Does marriage always eventually become boring?

Recently, a single friend asked me an interesting question, “Does marriage always eventually become boring?”

Life Is, Life Is

Life was slowly coming into being, in its familiar forms.

When life give you lemons

In conjunction with Teacher’s Day, I’d like to share a story of how one teacher made an impact on my life. For the last 40...


Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim family and friends wherever you are in the world. This will be our...

Being happy with our job

In our relentless pursuit to define ourselves, oftentimes, we look to our profession as an expression of our worth. Society, and the world at large,...

Rainy Day Notes

In 2008, I completed my AsiaWorks Leadership Program after a series of life changing defining moments during that six month program. One of the activities...