Saturday, September 28, 2024
Home Tag Strangled

Tag: strangled

11-y-o boy strangled to death over RM4

An 11-year-old boy was suspected to be strangled to death by a senior at an orphanage and home for the asnaf children yesterday evening

Colleague charged with murder of Nik Khatijah

Hasbullah Ismail, the colleague of Nik Khatijah Nik Mud, the Pertubahan IKRAM Malaysia’s Advocacy Department Manager, is charged with the murder of the woman

Suspect of IKRAM advocacy manager murder case charged

The murder suspect of Nik Khatijah Nik Mud, Advocacy Department Manager from IKRAM has been charged at the Kajang Magistrate Court today.

57-y-o man arrested over Nik Khatijah’s death

A 57 year-old man has been arrested for investigation after the body of a woman, Nik Khatijah Nik Mud, 32, an Advocacy Department Manager of Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia was found in Selangor yesterday morning