Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Tag: VLN

UKSB gave Muhyiddin RM1.3 million after GE14

A witness told the Shah Alam High Court today that Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) gave RM1.3 million in funds to Muhyiddin Yassin in 2018

Ahmad Zahid referred as ‘monster’, ‘young boy’ in UKSB ledger

A former administrative manager of Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) told the High Court here that the words “monster”, “young boy” and “yb” in the company’s ledger referred to former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

UKSB channelled donation to Rembau UMNO division

A former director of Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) told the High Court that Khairy Jamaluddin’s Rembau UMNO division received contributions from the company but the money was not given directly to the former Minister of Youth and Sports.

Rasuah VLN: Ahmad Zahid mengaku tak bersalah satu pertuduhan pindaan

Pertuduhan pindaan itu membabitkan pertukaran tarikh daripada April 2017 kepada 27 Mac 2018.

Zahid VLN trial: ‘KJ’,’bomoh’ written in UKSB payment ledger

The High Court was told today that the initial ‘KJ’ and ‘bomoh’ were among words written in a ledger owned by Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) that was submitted as evidence in the corruption trial of former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Najib’s minutes to Zahid on VLN contract not an order –...

The minutes of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for the contract of Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) to be extended as the sole operator of the foreign visa system (VLN) to Malaysia in China was not an order

Minit Najib pada Zahid berhubung kontrak visa bukan arahan – Pengarah...

Fadzil berkata walaupun Najib adalah perdana menteri (PM) dan ketua Kabinet ketika itu, kuasa untuk meluluskan kontrak VLN adalah di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri.

Shah Alam Court agrees to return Zahid’s passport for treatment in...

The Shah Alam High Court allowed an application by Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is facing 40 charges of corruption involving the extension of contract to Ultra Kirana Sdn Bhd (UKSB) to operate the Foreign Visa System (VLN), for the temporary return of his passport to enable him to go to Germany for medical treatment.

Kes rasuah VLN: Perbicaraan Ahmad Zahid bermula esok

Perbicaraan akan didengar di hadapan Hakim Datuk Mohd Yazid Mustafa pada jam 9 pagi, dengan pendakwaan dijangka memanggil dua atau tiga saksi untuk memberikan keterangan.

Zahid mengaku tidak bersalah atas 33 pertuduhan

Dua jurubahasa mahkamah mengambil masa kira-kira 35 minit untuk membaca semua pertuduhan kepada Ahmad Zahid yang ketika itu berada di kandang tertuduh.