Saturday, March 29, 2025
Home Tag Yeap Ming Liong

Tag: Yeap Ming Liong

Worthwhile to mask up, keep Covid-19 at bay

wearing of facemasks outdoor, as we all know is no longer mandatory, however, it is still worthwhile to keep it on especially if you are around children and the elderly.

MySejahtera check-ins: Do the right thing

The government has announced that a decision will be made soon on the relaxation of My Sejahtera check-ins. Until then, abide by the requirement to check-in to premises using the application

Farewell Shebby Singh

The passing of former Malaysian footballer Serbegeth Singh is a huge loss to not only the fraternity but also the country

Forging ahead as a Malaysian Family

Start 2022 with a positive attitude with renewed determination to succeed in work, studies and life

Timely boost for Malaysian Civil Defence Force

The Malaysian Civil Defence Force has always been close to my heart. It is home to many of my brothers and sisters

No place for arrogance, ignorance in Covid-19 fight

The public must continue to be vigilant despite the reopening of more economic sectors and certain relaxations to the SOP announced by the government

Unite for World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated on the 10th of September yearly. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Creating hope through action” that resonates in this trying times of Covid-19 pandemic.

Abide to the SOPS even when fully vaccinated

Fully vaccinated individuals should not treat the Covid-19 vaccine as a passport to lower guard in the fight against the coronavirus

Believe in the good of others

We are after all, a brotherhood of men, brothers in humanity

A photo too costly

Individuals who pose and take these dangerous photos are creating an unnecessary hazards to themselves